Say we have this web server to handle requests:
let webApp = scope {
get "/api/zoo/animals/" (getAllAnimals())
getf "/api/zoo/animals/%s" getAnimalInfo
This syntax is described in docs and demoed in the example.
Now, what if I want to have a param in the url query, e.g. to filter the results?
This does not do anything:
getf "/api/zoo/animals?type=%s" getAnimalsByType
A way to go is to use function GetQueryStringValue
of the context. It returns Result, a struct DU.
So you stay with initial signature (just remove the trailing slash):
get "/api/zoo/animals" (getAnimals())
And you have
let getAnimals() : HttpHandler =
fun _ ctx -> task {
let animalTypeFromQuery = ctx.GetQueryStringValue "type"
let animalType =
match animalTypeFromQuery with
| Ok t -> Some t
| Error _ -> None
I do not know if this is the official practice, I found this practice in some F# github repos.