how to pretty print source code of common languages in browser html output with javascript?
I mean so that there is some indentation and code formatting. Currently i only got for coloring the syntax. But i would also like some indentation and other formatting.
Example: user puts in some code. system formats and highlights code in the browser view. so-> is there a general code formatter for formatting code? best in javascript
I am grateful for any help.
Probably SyntaxHighlighter is the most popular. But you have a choice, have a look at 16 Free Javascript Code Syntax Highlighters For Better Programming
If you mean real time syntax highlighter, you can also try JS-CodeEdit:
JS-CodeEdit is a JavaScript editor that converts your HTML textareas into a code editor with realtime syntax highlighting. If added into a form, the content can be submitted e.g. to be written to a file. A nice thing is that you can add as many editors as you want within a HTML page.
But it support a bit limited list of languages: JavaScript, PHP, Perl, HTML, CSS, XML, SQL (this list is increased with each release).