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Store .vuepress folder in another directory

Is there a way to configure vuepress to look for the folder .vuepress somewhere else than default /docs?


  • UPDATE: VuePress 1.5.0 now only reads from docs/.vuepress, so the workaround below no longer works. However, another possible (less elegant) workaround is to symlink the docs/.vuepress to the desired location (tested on macOS Catalina).

    For example, you could symlink it to <projectRoot>/.vuepress on macOS with:

    mkdir .vuepress docs
    cd docs
    ln -s ../.vuepress

    As of VuePress 0.12.0, there's no specific configuration to set the location of .vuepress/. VuePress always looks for .vuepress/ in the target directory (docs/) and the immediate parent directory. If not found, VuePress creates .vuepress/ in the parent directory of docs/.

    If your objective is to prevent the creation of docs/.vuepress/ and you didn't mind .vuepress/ in the parent directory of docs/:

    1. Create .vuepress/config.js in the parent directory of docs/.
    2. Edit that file to contain the following config:

      module.exports = {
        dest: 'foo' // desired path to VuePress output
    3. Run vuepress build in the parent directory of docs/.

    The result of the above config is to create a directory foo/ with the VuePress static site output:

    $ vuepress build
    WAIT  Extracting site metadata...
    [2:20:45 AM] Compiling Client
    [2:20:45 AM] Compiling Server
    (node:47073) DeprecationWarning: Tapable.plugin is deprecated. Use new API on `.hooks` instead
    [2:20:48 AM] Compiled Server in 3s
    [2:20:50 AM] Compiled Client in 5s
    WAIT  Rendering static HTML...
    DONE  Success! Generated static files in foo.