I'd like to place a north facing arrow into an ARCore world using sceneform. I am trying to understand the correct system of transformations to go from the phone's compass to sceneform's quaternions.
This was the code I used to solve the problem:
//Get the phone's pose in ARCore
Pose deviceOrientedPose = frame.getCamera().getDisplayOrientedPose().compose(
Pose.makeRotation(0, 0, (float)Math.sqrt(0.5f), (float)Math.sqrt(0.5f)),
float[] devquat = deviceOrientedPose.getRotationQuaternion();
//Get the phone's heading in relation to the real world
float heading = compassListener.getBearing(); //Use ROTATION_VECTOR sensor
Quaternion deviceFrame = new Quaternion();
double[] rpy = quat2rpy(deviceFrame);
//Rotate around y axis... rotation in this case is the desired rotation
float rotAngle = ((360-rotation)+heading+(float)Math.toDegrees(rpy[1])+360))%360;
Quaternion qt = Quaternion.axisAngle(Vector3.up(),rotAngle);
Essentially the idea here is to acquire the device pose irregardless of orientation. Subesquently, I listen to the bearing as given by the ROTATION_VECTOR
sensor. Given that AR-Core's co-ordinate system is right-handed, rotation in the AR-Core world does not follow the convention where we describe a heading as clockwise to North. (360-rotation)+heading
essentially rotates the anchor to face north (via +heading
), then it applies the rotation of the desired heading (360-heading)
. And applies this to the camera's current rotation (float)Math.toDegrees(rpy[1])+360