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Animation of Auto Layout Constraint Not Happening inside NSTableCellView

I'm trying to get an auto layout constraint to update with animation inside an NSTableCellView. The constraint is updating fine, but it's not happening with animation.

The following code is executed inside tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, viewFor tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int):

NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ (context) in
  context.allowsImplicitAnimation = true
  context.duration = 0.3
  cell.progressWidthConstraint.constant = CGFloat(progress)

The cell is my NSTableCellView, and progressWidthConstraint is the width constraint on an NSView inside the cell.

Is there something special I need to do to get animation to work in a NSTableCellView?


  • Can you try

    NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ (context) in
      context.allowsImplicitAnimation = true
      cell.progressWidthConstraint.animator().constant = CGFloat(progress)
      context.duration = 0.3