I'm trying to get an NSDate object with the hour, minute, and second initialized to 0. I'm using the code below to get it, but for some reason I get nil from [NSDateComponents date]. What's wrong with my code?
NSCalendar *gregorian = [[[NSCalendar alloc]
initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar] autorelease];
NSDate *now = [[[NSDate alloc] init] autorelease];
NSDateComponents *nowDc = [gregorian components:(NSYearCalendarUnit | NSMonthCalendarUnit | NSDayCalendarUnit)
// this returns nil!
NSDate *todayStart = [nowDc date];
When you get the components from a calendar instance the calendar of the NSDateComponents instance is not set.
But you have to set the calendar before you can use [components date]
, because without calendar there is no date.
So try to add [nowDc setCalendar:gregorian];