I am trying to pass ArrayList<Integer>
from fragment to another fragment, here is my code:
Kotlin code
companion object {
fun newInstance(categoryId: Int, brandsList: ArrayList<Int>): Fragment {
val fragment = CategoryAllAdsFragment()
fragment.arguments = Bundle()
fragment.arguments!!.putInt(Constant.CATEGORY_ID, categoryId)
fragment.arguments!!.putParcelableArrayList(Constant.BRANDS_LIST, brandsList)
return fragment
but it says:
Type mismatch.
Required: java.util.ArrayList !
Found: kotlin.collections.ArrayList /* = java.util.ArrayList */
The same thing when I was trying to read it.
Kotlin code
try {
val brandsList = arguments!!.getParcelableArrayList<Int>(Constant.BRANDS_LIST)
} catch (ex: Exception) {
throw Exception("brand list cannot be null")
It says:
Type argument is not within its bounds
Expected: Parcelable!
Found: Int
I've tested it with Java
and its work fine.
putIntegerArrayList(String key, ArrayList value)
Inserts an ArrayList value into the mapping of this Bundle, replacing any existing value for the given key
putIntegerArrayList(Constant.BRANDS_LIST, array)
And get like
getIntegerArrayList(String key)
Returns the value associated with the given key, or null if no mapping of the desired type exists for the given key or a null value is explicitly associated with the key.