Ok so I am currently learning more node.js and decided to try out some basic middleware in a small api I created. I was wondering how I would wrap a successfull request. This is my approach.
Example Controller
exports.getTask = async function (req, res, next) {
try {
const task = await db.Task.findOne(
where: {
id: req.params.taskId,
userId: req.params.userId
if (task) {
req.locals.data = task;
} catch (err) {
exports.success = function(req, res, next) {
const success = res.statusCode < 400;
const successResponse = {
timestamp: new Date().toUTCString(),
success: success,
status: res.statusCode
if (success) {
successResponse.data = req.locals.data;
I dont think its very good having to set req.locals.data
for every requst and then calling next res.status(status)
maybe I just approached the situation the wrong way?
How could you make this better?
In this case, probably using the express middleware concept (calling next()
) will be an overkill.
I'd approach this by creating an abstraction for the success path. Consider something like this:
const resWithSuccess = (req, res, data) => {
data: data,
timestamp: new Date().toUTCString(),
// success: res.statusCode < 400, // --> actually you don't need this,
// since it will always be true
// status: res.statusCode // --> or whatever else "meta" info you need
Then, as soon as you need to respond with success, go for it:
exports.getTask = async function (req, res, next) {
// .... bla bla
if (task) {
PS: ... and you can use the express middleware concept (calling next()
) for the error path.