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How to reference SAS variable with CATS in PROC SQL?

Very basic thing I can't seem to figure out. Columns in a particular table are numbers with underscores in front of them, I have a number stored in a macro variable and the name of the column I want to use is that number with an underscore. Say the number is 9, when I write the following code I get a column where each observation is _9 rather than column _9 from that dataset.

    proc sql;
    create table TM1 as
        select cats("_",&rat_as_num) from default_data;


  • CATS returns a string, not a variable name. So the variable name will not matter, you get a string with _RAT_AS_NUM_VALUE.

    To return a variable name use %SYSFUNC() instead,

    data test;
    _9 =  4;
    %let rat_as_num=9;
    proc sql;
    create table test2 as
    select %sysfunc(cats(_, &rat_as_num)) from test;
    proc print data=test2;

    Per @Richards comments this also works:

    proc sql;
    create table test2 as
    select _&rat_as_nun from test;