I have a script which goes through every filename in a directory and removes unwanted files. Amount other things, it matches filenames in a CSV file and then removes a file in an adjacent cell.
$gameList = trim(shell_exec("ls -a -1 -I . -I .. -I Removed"));
$gameArray = explode("\n", $gameList);
shell_exec('mkdir -p Removed');
echo "\033[01;32m\n\n<<<<<<<<<<Starting Scan>>>>>>>>>>\n\n";
// Do the magic for every file
foreach ($gameArray as $thisGame)
// Ensure continue if already removed
if (!$thisGame) continue;
if (!file_exists($thisGame)) continue;
// Manipulate names to look and play nice
$niceName = trim(preg_replace('%[\(|\[].*%', '', $thisGame));
$thisGameNoExtension = preg_replace('/\.' . preg_quote(pathinfo($thisGame, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) , '/') . '$/', '', $thisGame);
// Let the user know what game is being evaluated
echo "\033[00;35m{$thisGameNoExtension} ... ";
$f = fopen("ManualRegionDupes.csv", "r");
while ($row = fgetcsv($f))
if ($row[1] == $thisGameNoExtension)
$primaryFile = $row[0];
$ext = pathinfo($thisGame, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$fCheck = trim(shell_exec("ls -1 " . escapeshellarg($primaryFile) . "." . escapeshellarg($ext) . " 2>/dev/null"));
if ($fCheck)
echo "ECHO LION";
shell_exec("mv " . escapeshellarg($thisGame) . " Removed/");
echo "ECHO ZEBRA";
echo "Scanned and kept";
echo "\033[01;32m\n<<<<<<<<<<Process Complete>>>>>>>>>>\n\n";
It's working, however I don't understand why I am seeing the final echo "Scanned and Kept" straight after either "ECHO ZEBRA" or "ECHO LION" - as I have "continue" calls straight after them, which should restart the loop and move on to the next file. I'm sure I just need to re-jig something somewhere, but I've been fiddling for hours and I'm completely stumped. I'd be super greatful for any help! Many thanks!
The continue
is just working for the inner loop which is reading the individual lines. If you want to skip to the end of the outer loop, you will need to use...
continue 2;
This allows you to say continue for 2 levels of loop.