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ob_flush () does not work on my server

This function works perfectly on my other server and locally on my pc showing every second the numbers, but when I send the cloud code from my client it only shows the results after the page loads 100%.

It works correctly here:

In this only when the page loads completely:

Both servers have the same PHP version 5.4.45

for($i=0; $i<20; $i++) { 
    echo 'printing...'."<p>";


output_buffering = Off


for($i=0; $i<10; $i++){
    echo $i;
    //this is for the buffer achieve the minimum size in order to flush data
    echo str_repeat(' ',1024*64);


  • As you have mentioned that you don't see any value for output_buffering in your comment, I assume it's turned off in your server.

    If you are using your own server, then look for the Configuration File (php.ini) Path option in your phpinfo page (which I asked you to create in comments).

    Then open that file, find the ;output_buffering = Off line, and change it to:

    output_buffering = 4096

    You might need to restart your apache server (or your web server if it's different).


    If you are on a shared hosting, most hosting providers allow you add your own configurations by adding a php.ini file to your public_html folder.

    Create a file named as php.ini and include output_buffering = 4096 in it, then upload it to your public_html folder. It should work.

    Hope it helps :) Feel free to ask anything if you have any doubts.