I'm using KnpMenuBundle to generate childs of my menu.
For each category, I have subcategory. I passed the 2 parameters in my method (in the controller as mentioned below).
The principle menu of categories works well but when I click on one of the sub cat I get this error :
public function souscategorieAction(string $cat,string $subcat,Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$query1 = 'SELECT p.*,(SELECT min(h.prix) FROM Histprix h,Urlproduit u
WHERE h.urlproduit_id=u.id and u.produit_id=p.id ) as "prixmin",(SELECT max(h.prix) FROM Histprix h,Urlproduit u
WHERE h.urlproduit_id=u.id and u.produit_id=p.id ) as "prixmax", (select count(*) from produit_revendeur where produit_id=p.id) as "offre"
FROM Produit p,Subcat sub,Categorie cat
WHERE p.status=1 and p.subcat_id=sub.id and sub.categorie_id=cat.id and and cat.nom like'.$cat.' and sub.nom like'.$subcat.';';
$statement = $em->getConnection()->prepare($query1);
$produit = $statement->fetchAll();
$produits=$pagination= $paginator->paginate (
return $this->render('ProductBundle:Product:mobilepage.html.twig', array('produits'=>$produits,'souscategorie'=>$subcat ,'categorie'=>$cat));
This is my routing:
path: /{categorie}/{souscategorie}
defaults: { _controller: ProductBundle:Product:souscategorie }
And this is my MenuBuilder :
public function createMainMenu(array $options) {
$c = "";
$s = "";
$menu = $this->factory->createItem('root');
$menu->addChild('Accueil', array('route' => 'home'));
$categories = $this->em->getRepository('ProductBundle:Categorie')->findAll();
$subcats = $this->em->getRepository('ProductBundle:Subcat')->findAll();
foreach ($categories as $c) {
switch ($c) {
case "Telephonie":
$menu->addChild($c, array('route' => 'telephonie'));
case "Informatique":
$menu->addChild($c, array('route' => 'informatique'));
case "TV SON Vidéo":
$menu->addChild($c, array('route' => 'tvsonvideo'));
case "Electroménager":
$menu->addChild($c, array('route' => 'electromenager'));
case "Impression":
$menu->addChild($c, array('route' => 'impression'));
foreach ($subcats as $s) {
if ($c->getNom() == $s->getCategorie()->getNom())
$menu[$c->getNom()]->addChild($s->getNom(), ['route' => 'souscat', 'routeParameters' => array('categorie' => $c->getNom(), 'souscategorie' => $s->getNom())]);
$menu->addChild('Contact', array('route' => 'contactus'));
return $menu;
Can you try to rename your function parameters with the same name as your variables ?
public function souscategorieAction(string $cat,string $subcat,Request $request)
public function souscategorieAction(string $categorie,string $souscategorie,Request $request)