I have tried to research about this, but could not find any examples. The examples I found were regarding normal TableView only. I could only create a JFXTreeTableView with an object and list out String. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
I need to put a button or basically any other object than a string into a TreeTableView.
Updated to make it clear on what I wanted it to look like, and the solution is below.
With reference to this post, I was trying to add a Button(Specifically JFXButton) into a TreeTableView(Specifically JFXTreeTableView) How to add button in JavaFX table view
However, the post only talks about TableView. After analyzing the codes I tried to modify the codes to work with TreeTableView and TreeTableCell instead.
Using the sample codes from JFoenix and modifying it as seen in the codes snippets below, I could load a JFXButton into a JFXTreeTableView. (Also works with normal Button. Just replace the JFXButton to Button)
JFXTreeTableColumn<User, String> settingsColumn = new JFXTreeTableColumn<>("Others");
Callback<TreeTableColumn<User, String>, TreeTableCell<User, String>> cellFactory
= //
new Callback<TreeTableColumn<User, String>, TreeTableCell<User, String>>() {
public TreeTableCell call(final TreeTableColumn<User, String> param) {
final TreeTableCell<User, String> cell = new TreeTableCell<User, String>() {
final JFXButton btn = new JFXButton("Just Do it");
public void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (empty) {
} else {
btn.setOnAction(event -> {
//Button Action here
return cell;
//Also remember to add the new column in
treeView.getColumns().setAll(deptColumn, ageColumn, empColumn, settingsColumn);