I searched on Google and know that: FireDAC component is not available on Borland Delphi 6 (but available on RAD Studio).
I try to install FireDAC through Component, but I did not find unit/package of FireDac.
Is there any other way, or that is impossible?
The current FireDAC source code depends on generics, which were only introduced into Delphi in Delphi 2009, iirc. See http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Tokyo/en/Overview_of_Generics
Another problem is that in Delphi 6 string handling is "pre-Unicode" whereas in modern versions of Delphi, strings are by default Unicode.
So, I cannnot see any prospect of you being able to compile FireDAC in D6 even if you have a FireDAC licence, unless you have a copy of the older FireDAC 8 mentioned by @Victoria.