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Convert Spanish date to timestamp with Intl (PHP)

I need to convert date written in the natural language to timestamp or any other standard date format. Dates are in four languages: English, German, French, and Spanish. I can convert all except Spanish date with Intl extension.

Example of date in natural languages:

// es - 19 de julio de 2017
// fr - 2 février 2018
// en - May 16, 2016
// de - 27 Juni 2018

French date parse works fine

$df = \IntlDateFormatter::create(

$timestamp = $df->parse('2 fevrier 2018'); // 1517518800

But Spanish, return false

$df = \IntlDateFormatter::create(

$timestamp = $df->parse('19 de julio de 2017'); // false

What do I do wrong?


  • You shouldn't have used de in your date.

    $timestamp = $df->parse('19 julio 2017'); // false
    echo $timestamp;

    output is


    will work perfectly.