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Rendering HTML from map function in React Context API render function

I'm trying to render out a list of titles by calling map on state from inside the <MyContext.Consumer> component but the code is not returning the list items. However, if I do a console.log(dataImTryingToMap); it shows exactly what I'm trying to render. The <ul> is rendered but no <li>'s are. There are no errors thrown by create-react-app. What am I missing??? Here is the consumer component:

    {context => (
            {Object.keys(context.state.subjects).map(subject => {

The console log returns exactly the data I'm looking for, but nothing shows on the screen.

And here is the state from the <MyContext.MyProvider> component:

state = {
    subjects: {
        subject0: {
            title: "Math",
            description: "",
            cards: {
                card1: {
                    note: "",
                    answer: ""
        subject1: {
            title: "history",
            description: "",
            cards: {
                card1: {
                    note: "",
                    answer: ""

Thanks for any help!


  • You are not returning anything from the callback:

    {Object.keys(context.state.subjects).map(subject => {
        <li>{context.state.subjects[subject].title}</li>; <-- this is not returned

    const contextValue = { state: {"subjects":{"subject0":{"title":"Math","description":"","cards":{"card1":{"note":"","answer":""}}},"subject1":{"title":"history","description":"","cards":{"card1":{"note":"","answer":""}}}}}};
    const MyContext = React.createContext();
    const Example = () => (
      {context => (
        {Object.keys(context.state.subjects).map(subject => {
          return (
            <li key={subject}>{context.state.subjects[subject].title}</li>
    const Demo = ({ value }) => (
      <MyContext.Provider value={value}>
        <Example />
      <Demo value={contextValue} />,
    <script crossorigin src="[email protected]/umd/react.development.js"></script>
    <script crossorigin src="[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js"></script>
    <div id="demo">