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Resolver does not resolve if another data stream is added

I am trying to use a resolver in order to retrieve data depending on the given parameters the route holds.

Unfortunately, the moment I add another data stream that my data depends on the resolver never actually resolves.

If I directly return an immediately resolving value everything works fine. I debugged the situation to see that I receive all partial information but it just fails to actually resolve in the end.

Here's a quick sample. Hit me up if there's more code needed to understand the problem.


export class MyService {
  get(bar) {
    return of(new Foo(bar));

SecondService (This one retrieves data from the backend):

export class SecondService {
  private readonly _observable: Observable<Bar>;
  constructor() {
    this._observable = merge(
      // Other manipulations
      // other manipulations

  observable(): Observable<Bar> {
    return this._observable;


export class MyResolver {
  constructor(_secondService: SecondService, _myService: MyService) {}

  resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<Foo> {
    // Does not work - Simply does not resolve
    // return this._secondService
    //   .observable()
    //   .pipe(
    //     switchMap((bar) => this._myService.get(bar)),
    //   );

    // WORKS
    return of(new Foobar('sampleData'));


const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'someroute',
    component: SomeComponent,
    canActivate: [SomeGuard],
    resolve: {
      myData: MyResolver,


export class SomeComponent implements OnInit {
  constructor(private readonly _route: ActivatedRoute) {}

  ngOnInit() {
      .subscribe((data) => {
      console.log('received:', data);
      this.myData = data;      


<pre *ngIf="myData">
  Received: {{ myData | json }}


  • The answer to my problem is rather simple and had nothing to do with subscribing to the resolved observables, as the framework already did that automagically.

    In order for a resolver to finish, all the streams it depends on need to complete. If you happen to use a hot observable it is required to use another operator like take so that the stream completes at that location.

    So, all the code remains the same, except that I changed the resolver to:

    resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<Foo> {
      return this._secondService
          switchMap((bar) => this._myService.get(bar)),

    @eduPeeth: Thank you for your answer/suggestions, unfortunately, it was a far more minor issue.