Let's say we have the following models:
class Author(Model):
class Serie(Model):
class Book(Model):
authors = ManyToManyField(Author, related_name="books")
serie = ForeignKey(Serie)
How can I get the list of authors, with their series ?
I tried different combinations of annotate
and prefetch
list_authors = Author.objects.prefetch(Prefetch("books__series", queryset=Serie.objects.all(), to_attr="series"))
Trying to use list_authors[0].series
throws an exception because Author
has no series
list_authors = Author.objects.annotate(series=FilteredExpression("books__series", condition=Q(...))
Trying to use list_authors[0].series
throws an exception because Author
has no series
list_authors = Author.objects.annotate(series=F('books__series'))
returns all possible combinations of (author, serie) that have a book in common
As I'm using PostgreSQL for my database, I tried:
from django.contrib.postgres.aggregates import ArrayAgg
list_authors = Author.objects.annotate(series=ArrayAgg('books__serie', distinct=True, filter=Q(...)))
It works fine, but returns only the id
of the related objects.
list_authors = Author.objects.annotate(series=ArrayAgg(
fails because it needs an output_field
, and a Model
is not a valid value for output_field
BUT I can get the number of series for an author, so why not the actual list of them:
list_authors = Author.objects.annotate(nb_series=Count("books__series", filter=Q(...), distinct=True)
>>> 2
Thus I assume that what I try to do is possible, but I am at a loss regarding the "How"...
I don't think you can do this with an annotation on the Author
queryset - as you've already found you can do F('books__series')
but that will not return distinct results. Annotations generally only make sense if the result is a single value per row.
What you could do instead is have a method on the Author
model that fetches all the series for that author with a relatively simple query. This will mean one additional query per author, but I can't see any alternative. Something like this:
class Author:
def get_series(self):
return Serie.objects.filter(book__authors=self).distinct()
Then you just do:
list_authors = Author.objects.all()