I have a Spring Boot project that I'm running as an executable jar started as an init.d service on Linux.
I understand I can create a .conf file with the same name as the jar file to specify JVM parameters. However, I would ideally like to "hard code" some parameters so there is no risk of the .conf file being missing. This is a real risk as each deployment will have a different jar name because of the version number.
Also I know I can set the environment variable JAVA_OPTS, but I'm not sure how to do this if I'm launching the Spring Boot as a init.d service using a symlink to the jar file.
Lastly I know I can replace the init.d script completely using the embeddedLaunchScript parameter, but I fell this overkill for what I want to accomplish and would want updates to the script in further releases.
Is there a way to specify JVM parameters in the Maven plugin or some other programmatic method?
Alternatively is there a way to hard code a static CONF file name? Looking at the embeddedLaunchScriptProperties it looks like confFolder can the folder, but not the name of the .conf file.
As of Spring boot 2.0, you can set the inlinedConfScript
property of the build plugin. You can now reference a file that includes the appending or overwriting the JAVA_OPTS variable before the application starts. More details can be found in the Spring Documentation.