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Transfer a file from a computer to an Azure VM

I have a application connected with an sql server. This applications handles files.

Recently, this application connected with an sql server, which is in a VM of Azure.

My question is, how i can hanndle the files?

I want my application to upload(over internet) the files somewhere and then server side to haddle where these files will be saved. And the opposite.

Can you tell me what options i have? I don't want OneDrive.


  • Depending on the kinds of files you store and the way your application handles them, you have multiple options with Azure. These are Azure Blob Storage ( with blob types: Block, Append, and Page), Azure Files, or Azure Data Lake Store.

    Azure Blob Storage: The following blob types are great of your data is unstructured.

    • Block Blobs: for use of binary data or text. You store in blocks that can be manged.
    • Page Blobs: to store random access files, good for storing VHDs that are backing up VMs.
    • Append Blobs: similar to block blobs but are append-only and optimized for append-only workloads. Good for storing log files storage.

    If you handle files using native file systems APIs and want to "lift and shift" your application as is, Azure Files might be your best option which uses the SMB protocol.

    Another option you might want to try, which is in preview (not generally available yet ) is Azure Data Lake Store Gen 2 which allows you to interact with Azure Blob storage through a file system interface.

    From the way you describe your application, I doubt you want to use Azure Disks service. Here is a comparison table to help you decide: