If you go to this website, and scroll down to kind of the third "set" of pages, you see a news, under the title of "Destacados", signaled below in red:
Now, the image of that news is dynamic, like a gif. I went to the source code of the page, and the image seems to be contained here:
<div class="articulo__interior">
<figure class="foto foto_video " itemprop="image" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/ImageObject">
<script type="text/javascript">
// Hash con los datos para el reproductor de video
var datosVideo_389 = {};
var anchoReproductor_389 = 0;
var altoReproductor_389 = 0;
var urlFotogramaFijo_389 = url_cache + '';
var urlPrimerFotograma_389 = url_cache + '';
datosVideo_389.tipo = 'iframe';
datosVideo_389.id_multimedia = '';
datosVideo_389.anchoPlayer = anchoReproductor_389;
datosVideo_389.altoPlayer = altoReproductor_389;
datosVideo_389.caratula = urlFotogramaFijo_389;
datosVideo_389.publiActiva = true;
datosVideo_389.keywordsVideo = 'elpais,portada';
datosVideo_389.urls = Array();
datosVideo_389.codigo = '<iframe src=\"//elpais.com/estaticos/2018/07/entrevista/video/video-felipe.html\" scrolling=\"no\" frameborder=\"0\"><\/iframe>';
datosVideo_389.urlNoticia = '/elpais/2018/07/10/actualidad/1531220458_959403.html';
datosVideo_389.tituloVideo = 'Los papeles secretos de Felipe González';
datosVideo_389.tagsIds = '31578,11610,32436,72041,84210,33281,20979,46697,69816,84640,28504,75423,81138,28501,36715,75421,30342,65941';
datosVideo_389.tagsNombreNormalizado = 'felipe_gonzalez_marquez_a,alfonso_guerra_a,fidel_castro_a,santos_julia_a,elecciones_generales_1989_a,francisco_fernandez_ordonez_a,carlos_solchaga_a,jose_maria_maravall_a,rocio_martinez_sampere_a,gal_grupos_antiterroristas_liberacion_a,elecciones_generales_a,terrorismo_estado_a,eta_a,elecciones_a,grupos_terroristas_a,terrorismo_a,espana_a,politica_a';
datosVideo_389.tituloPlayer = '';
datosVideo_389.duracionVideo = '';
datosVideo_389.portal_creacion = '';
datosVideo_389.seccion_creacion = '';
datosVideo_389.un_creacion = '';
// Llamada para pintar el reproductor de video
<meta itemprop="url" content="https://ep01.epimg.net/iconos/v1.x/v1.0/promos/promo_og_elpais.png">
<meta itemprop="width" content="200">
<meta itemprop="height" content="200">
But I cannot figure out what exactly it is. Is it a video? Or a gif? If the former, why not use the latter, perhaps easier and less demanding in terms of resources?
The 'image' is a video. One way to confirm this is to use inspector and view the source of the page, then locate the element.