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Python splitting a string with accented letters

I would like to split a string which contains accented characters into characters without breaking the accent and the letter apart.

A simple example is

>>> o = u"šnjiwgetit"
>>> print u" ".join(o)
s ̌ n j i w g e t i t


>>> print list(o)
[u's', u'\u030c', u'n', u'j', u'i', u'w', u'g', u'e', u't', u'i', u't']

Whereas I would like the result to be š n j i w g e t i t so that the accent stays on top of the consonant.

The solution should work even with more difficult characters such as h̭ɛ̮ŋkkɐᴅ


  • You can use regex to group the characters. Here is a sample code for doing so:

    import re
    pattern = re.compile(r'(\w[\u02F3\u1D53\u0300\u2013\u032E\u208D\u203F\u0311\u0323\u035E\u031C\u02FC\u030C\u02F9\u0328\u032D:\u02F4\u032F\u0330\u035C\u0302\u0327\u03572\u0308\u0351\u0304\u02F2\u0352\u0355\u00B7\u032C\u030B\u2019\u0339\u00B4\u0301\u02F1\u0303\u0306\u030A7\u0325\u0307\u0354`\u02F0]+|\w|\W)', re.UNICODE | re.IGNORECASE)

    In case you had some accents missing, add them the pattern.

    Then, you can split words into characters as follows.

    ['š', 'n', 'j', 'i', 'w', 'g', 'e', 't', 'i', 't'
    ['h̭', 'ɛ̮', 'ŋ', 'k', 'k', 'ɐ', 'ᴅ']

    If you are using Python2, add from __future__ import unicode_literals at the beginning of the file.