For some weird reason, RStudio is showing me all columns of a data.frame when I use the View() function or when I click on a data frame in the environment pane. I installed a new version of R three weeks ago (because I have a new Windows10 laptop) and since then I am running into this problem.
This is really annoying because R becomes super slow when having to display more than 100 columns. Random example of code
In the good old days, only the first 100 columns were displayed...
Any ideas on how to change this back to normal?
I have this problem with long dataframes of > 300000 rows. The RStudio session will freeze if I View()
the df. Unfortunately I often use View()
to check my results but I often forget to make sure the df isn't too large. To prevent this I have written a function as recommended in the comments above. I spent a bit of time figuring out how to get the name to show up like with View()
so I thought I would share it.
RStudioView <- View
View <- function(x) {
name <- deparse(substitute(x))
if ("data.frame" %in% class(x)) {
RStudioView(x[1:1000,], name)
} else {
Based on a function found here. You could just change it to limit columns instead of rows and set whatever cutoff works best for you.