Let's say I have two anonymous objects like this:
var objA = new { test = "test", blah = "blah" };
var objB = new { foo = "foo", bar = "bar" };
I want to combine them to get:
new { test = "test", blah = "blah", foo = "foo", bar = "bar" };
I won't know what the properties are for both objA and objB at compile time. I want this to be like jquery's extend method.
Anybody know of a library or a .net framework class that can help me do this?
If you truly do mean dynamic in the C# 4.0 sense, then you can do something like:
static dynamic Combine(dynamic item1, dynamic item2)
var dictionary1 = (IDictionary<string, object>)item1;
var dictionary2 = (IDictionary<string, object>)item2;
var result = new ExpandoObject();
var d = result as IDictionary<string, object>; //work with the Expando as a Dictionary
foreach (var pair in dictionary1.Concat(dictionary2))
d[pair.Key] = pair.Value;
return result;
You could even write a version using reflection which takes two objects (not dynamic) and returns a dynamic.