We need our active directory to manage the autentication from the site, is there a way to configure the crafter-delivery profile/security in a way like we can do in studio?
Users added to the internal database after the user’s first successful login through external authentication are marked as **Externally Managed**.
There is no engine-config-override.yaml so i dont know how to do it.
The documentation says something about it, but its not explained anywhere.
Crafter Profile is built on MongoDB for extensibility and extreme scalability and includes a multi-tenant profile attribute store, an admin console for user profile management, chained authentication with any existing authentication services including Active Directory
Crafter Engine uses Crafter Security Provider library, which can be extended to support LDAP/AD.
Another, perhaps easier/better option is to just use SAML2 and not only will the users authenticate against AD, but they'll also get SSO.
Here is the guide: https://docs.craftercms.org/en/3.0/site-administrators/engine/engine-site-security-guide.html#add-single-sign-on