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Angular 6 input type number and display 2 digits after comma

I want to display input and when user enters a number: 20 I want 20,00 to be displayed. For greater numbers I want to see thousand separator like 11 200,00.

<input type="number" (ngModelChange)="calculateSum()" (change)="calculateAmount(invoiceQuota)" [ngModel]="invoiceQuota.controls.grossAmount.value">

I tried to add:

[ngModel]="invoiceQuota.controls.grossAmount.value | number:'1.2-2' 

but it does not work

I can't find solution to solve my problem.


  •     import { Component, Input, NgZone, OnInit, Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
    const PADDING = '00';
        name: 'floatNumber'
    export class FloatNumnberPipe implements PipeTransform {
        DECIMAL_SEPARATOR: string;
        THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR: string;
        constructor() {
        // TODO comes from configuration settings
            this.DECIMAL_SEPARATOR = '.';
            this.THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR = ',';
        transform(value: number | string, fractionSize: number = 2): string {
            const ds = '.';
            const ts = ',';
            let [integer, fraction = ''] = (value || '').toString()
            fraction = fractionSize > 0
                ? ds + (fraction + PADDING).substring(0, fractionSize)
                : '';
            integer = integer.replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ts);
            integer = integer ? integer : '0';
            return integer + fraction;
        parse(value: string, fractionSize: number = 3): string {
            const ds = '.';
            const ts = ',';
            let [integer, fraction = ''] = (value || '').split(ds);
            integer = integer.replace(new RegExp(ts, 'g'), '');
            fraction = parseInt(fraction, 10) > 0 && fractionSize > 0
                ? ds + (fraction + PADDING).substring(0, fractionSize)
                : '';
            integer = integer ? integer : '0';
            return integer + fraction;
     this way you can write float number PIPE and in component ,  if (typeof modelControlname === 'string') {
    modelControlname=Math.round(Number(FloatNumnberPipe.prototype.parse(amount)) * 100) / 100);