I have the following trait...
import cats._
import cats.implicits._
trait Preference[-A] {
self =>
def compare(a1: A, a2: A): Int
final def ordering[A1 <: A]: Ordering[A1] = {
new Ordering[A1] {
def compare(a1: A1, a2: A1): Int = {
self.compare(a1, a2)
object Preference {
implicit val contravariant: Contravariant[Preference] = {
new Contravariant[Preference] {
def contramap[A, B](fa: Preference[A])(f: B => A): Preference[B] = {
new Preference[B] {
def compare(b1: B, b2: B): Int = {
fa.compare(f(b1), f(b2))
I would like to define Apply
, Applicative
, possibly even Monad
instances for this trait but all of these type classes are extensions of Functor
. Do versions of these type classes exist in Cats for contravariant functors?
The contravariant equivalent of Applicative
in Haskell is Divisible
, and cats.ContravariantMonoidal
allows to define both of its methods (divide
is contramap2
, conquer
is trivial
). I am not immediately certain, though, if any Divisible
has to be Monoidal
in cats' sense.
For Monad
, Kmett says