I am writing a network daemon, on Linux with kernel 2.6, which has one producer process and N of consumer processes, which does not make any change on the data, and does not create any response back to the producer.
Whenever the producer process produces a data object, of which the length varies from few 10 bytes to few 10 K-bytes, it has to pass the data object into one available consumer process.
First time, I considered to use a named/unnamed PIPE. However, they would be memory-copy overhead.
Since the program may work with a large-number of peers with low latency, the copy-overhead could be harmful. Thus, I decided to use POSIX shared-memory with mmap().
I am just wondering if sharing data between processes using POSIX shared-memory with mmap() does not result any memory-copy, unlike PIPE.
Also, is there any other way to share data between processes, but results zero-copy? The program will be run on Linux with a recent version of kernel and may not have to have a cross-platform ability.
I decided not to spawn/run a thread for each consumer/produce, but a process due to design issues.
Thanks for reply.
Shared memory in general is designed specifically to not cause copy overhead (source: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_46_0/doc/html/interprocess/sharedmemorybetweenprocesses.html#interprocess.sharedmemorybetweenprocesses.sharedmemory.shared_memory_what_is).
If you're using C++, Boost::Interprocess is a great library for implementing what you're describing in a cross-platform way -- you can use their shared memory class combined with a named_upgradable_mutex. The named_upgradable_mutex class has support for giving exclusive and sharable locks on a resource, so you can easily implement your consumer-producer model with it. (source: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_37_0/doc/html/boost/interprocess/named_upgradable_mutex.html#id2913393-bb )