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Set Maven property based on dependency version

I am assembling an Eclipse plugin using Maven and Tycho, where one of my maven projects aggregates the non-OSGi dependencies of the project and bundles them as an Eclipse plugin (so that Tycho, and therefore my main plugin, will be able to use them)

I am hitting an issue where one of my dependencies should always be the latest version of the jar, eg:


(FYI, the actual dependency is something we deploy internally, otherwise I would give the actual groupId/artifactId)

All the dependencies for this aggregator project are copied to a directory called maven-libs so that they can be bundled.

When I attempt to include this jar in my aggregator project, I need to specify it in the file, like so:

bin.includes = META-INF/,\

This fails any time the necessary-binaries version number changes, as the name of the file changes as well

I can add maven properties to the, but:

bin.includes = META-INF/,\

just resolves to literally necessary-binaries-LATEST.jar, instead of substituting in the latest version

So my question is: when I resolve the LATEST version for needed-binaries, can I set that version to a property? I could then use that propery in the file


  • Using LATEST is a deprecated feature. It is better to use the real version number and update it with the versions plugin.