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Laravel - Unable to send Email to webserver from website

I am trying to send a mail through my contact from and i am getting this error:

Swift_TransportException (550) Expected response code 250 but got code "550", with message "550-Your FROM address ( [email protected] , [email protected] ) must match your 550-authenticated email user ( [email protected] ). Treating this as a spoofed 550 email. "

My .ENV config:




[email protected]


[email protected]

My Contoller:

    $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
        'firstName' => 'required',
        'lastName' => 'required',
        'email' => 'required',
        'services' => 'required',
        'message' => 'required',
    if ($validator->fails()) {
        return redirect('en/404')

    $form = $request->all();
    $message->success('The message was successfully send!');

    Mail::send('email/contact-form', compact('form'), function ($email_message) use ($form) {

        $email_message->to('[email protected]');

    return back();

If i try to write the input Email with [email protected] i get no error but when i try to enter a gmail or other email i am getting the error above.

Please help!


  • You messed your code here

    Just replace code from

    Mail::send('email/contact-form', compact('form'), function ($email_message) use ($form) {
        $email_message->to('[email protected]');

    To this below one

    Mail::send('email/contact-form', compact('form'), function ($email_message) use ($form) {

    You were messing code in from and to. As you can only enter email in from which can authenticate to your MAIL_HOST server on port MAIL_PORT, thats why you don't get any error when you enter your email address.

    I hope this would help you.