Search code examples

Node js Nested Promise.all error

exports.AllDataCounts= function(req, res) {
  var UserId = req.params.User_Id;
           Model.SchemaOne.count({ User_Id: UserId }).exec(),
           Model.SchemaTwo.find({ User_Id: UserId }).exec()
  ]).then(response_One => {
     console.log('response_One Success');
     var _ids = response_One[1].map(x => x._id );

     const GetMoreInfo = _id => {
                  Model.Cube_SchemaThree.count({ Cube_Id: _id }).exec(),
                  Model.Cube_SchemaFour.count({ Cube_Id: _id }).exec(),
             ]).then( response_three => {
                 console.log('response_three Success');
                 return response_three ;
              }).catch(error_3 => {
                 return Cube_Id;
 > GetMoreInfo(_id))
     ).then(response_two => {
        console.log('response_two Success'); 
        res.send({ Status:true, Response: { Output1: response_One, Output3: response_two });
     }).catch( error_two = > {
        res.send({ Status: false, Error: error_two, Message: 'Some Error Occurred' });
  }).catch( error_one = > {
     res.send({ Status: false, Error: error_1, Message: 'Some Error Occurred' });

i will expect the console output is

response_One Success

response_three Success

response_Two Success

but i got the result is

response_One Success

response_Two Success

response_Three Success

if i will remove the GetMoreInfo function inside Promise.all it works properly


  • You have:

    const GetMoreInfo= _id => {
        Model.Cube_SchemaThree.count({ Cube_Id: _id }).exec(),
        Model.Cube_SchemaFour.count({ Cube_Id: _id }).exec(),

    getMoreInfo isn't returning its Promise.all, so it's not being properly included in the larger promise chain when you call

    Promise.all(> GetMoreInfo(_id))
    ).then( ...

    (rather, currently, the .then there will resolve immediately because the Promise.all is being called on an array of undefineds, which is not what you want)

    Change to:

    const GetMoreInfo= _id => {
      return Promise.all([
        // ...