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Laravel File Storage: How to store (decoded) base64 image?

How to store base64 image using the Laravel's filesytem (File Storage) methods?

For example, I can decode base64 image like this:


but all of the Laravel's methods for storing files can accept either a Illuminate\Http\File or Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile instance.

So I guess I'd have to convert base64 image (or decoded base64 image) to Illuminate\Http\File or Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile, but how?


  • Just use put to store the encoded contents:

    Storage::put('file.jpg', $encoded_image);

    All it's doing is wrapping file_put_contents.

    Then to read it back out:

    $data = base64_decode(Storage::get('file.jpg'));

    Which, you guess it, is wrapping file_get_contents.