I am trying to figure out how to get the name of a powershell variable from the object, itself.
I'm doing this because I'm making changes to an object passed by reference into a function, so I don't know what the object will be and I am using the Set-Variable cmdlet to change that variable to read only.
# .__NEEDTOGETVARNAMEASSTRING is a placeholder because I don't know how to do that.
function Set-ToReadOnly{
Set-Variable -Name $varName -Option ReadOnly
$testVar = 'foo'
Set-ToReadOnly $testVar
I've looked through a lot of similar questions and can't find anything that answers this specifically. I want to work with the variable entirely inside of the function--I don't want to rely on passing in additional information.
Also, while there may be easier/better ways of setting read-only, I have been wanting to know how to reliably pull the variable name from a variable for a long time, so please focus solving that problem, not my application of it in this example.
Mathias R. Jessen's helpful answer explains why the originating variable cannot be reliably determined if you only pass its value.
The only robust solution to your problem is to pass a variable object rather than its value as an argument:
function Set-ToReadOnly {
param([psvariable] $inputVar) # note the parameter type
$inputVar.Options += 'ReadOnly'
$testVar = 'foo'
Set-ToReadOnly (Get-Variable testVar) # pass the variable *object*
If your function is defined in the same scope as the calling code - which is not true if you the function is defined in a (different) module - you can more simply pass just the variable name and retrieve the variable from the parent / an ancestral scope:
# Works ONLY when called from the SAME SCOPE / MODULE
function Set-ToReadOnly {
param([string] $inputVarName)
# Retrieve the variable object via Get-Variable.
# This will implicitly look up the chain of ancestral scopes until
# a variable by that name is found.
$inputVar = Get-Variable $inputVarName
$inputVar.Options += 'ReadOnly'
$testVar = 'foo'
Set-ToReadOnly testVar # pass the variable *name*