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Using requests to PUT <key,value> into etcd results in empty value

I'm trying to use requests to run a simple PUT and add a new pair to etcd (which I have running locally). I am able to do this just fine by directly calling etcd like so:

curl -X PUT -d value="Test Message"

However, the code below, which I thought would be equivalent to that, doesn't seem to work:

import requests
r = requests.put('', data = 'value=\"Test Message\"')

The print statement above shows me this:


So it appears that the value of value is empty for some reason. I've tried various formats for the data parameter but didn't have any luck.


  • First, you can get the sent request from r by r.request. And then you can see what's wrong with it:

    >>> r = requests.put("", data="value=\"Test Message\"")
    >>> r.request
    <PreparedRequest [PUT]>
    >>> r.request.url
    >>> r.request.body
    'value="Test Message"'
    >>> r.request.headers
    {'User-Agent': 'python-requests/2.18.4', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'Accept': '*/*', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Content-Length': '20'}

    Second, I think you should use r = requests.put('', data={"value": "Test Message"})