I'm trying to use requests to run a simple PUT and add a new pair to etcd (which I have running locally). I am able to do this just fine by directly calling etcd like so:
curl -X PUT -d value="Test Message"
However, the code below, which I thought would be equivalent to that, doesn't seem to work:
import requests
r = requests.put('', data = 'value=\"Test Message\"')
The print statement above shows me this:
So it appears that the value of value is empty for some reason. I've tried various formats for the data parameter but didn't have any luck.
First, you can get the sent request from r
by r.request
. And then you can see what's wrong with it:
>>> r = requests.put("http://www.example.com", data="value=\"Test Message\"")
>>> r.request
<PreparedRequest [PUT]>
>>> r.request.url
>>> r.request.body
'value="Test Message"'
>>> r.request.headers
{'User-Agent': 'python-requests/2.18.4', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'Accept': '*/*', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Content-Length': '20'}
Second, I think you should use r = requests.put('', data={"value": "Test Message"})