I'm trying to rewrite https://gist.github.com/319827 to Scala. But I can't compile it. What is the correct syntax?
Error I'm allways getting:
class type required but java.util.Comparator[_ >: java.lang.Comparable[java.lang.Object]] found
package v6ak.util
import java.util.Comparator
object NaturalComparator extends Comparator[_ >: Comparable[Object]]{
override def compare(o1:Comparable[Object], o2:Comparable[Object]) = {
if( o1==null || o2==null ){
throw new NullPointerException("Comparing null values is not supported!");
I've returned to the problem with more experience and solved it, although I think that is can be better.
package v6ak.util
import java.util.Comparator
object NaturalComparator extends Comparator[Comparable[Any]]{
def apply[T]() = asInstanceOf[Comparator[T]]
override def compare(o1:Comparable[Any], o2:Comparable[Any]) = {
if( o1 == null || o2 == null ){
throw new NullPointerException("Comparing null values is not supported!")
o1 compareTo o2