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How to use sink() to save R output in Jupyter notebook?

Normally, I can use the sink() function to redirect R output to a file. For example:

sink("test.txt") cat("Hello World") sink()

However, in Jupyter Notebook (R kernel), using sink() did not redirect the printed output and I got nothing in the test.txt file. I know that specify filename in cat("Hello World", file = "test.txt") can save output and avoid using sink() altogether. The problem is that I have hundreds of lines written using cat() without specifying filename.

Anyone knows why sink() did not work in Jupyter? Is there other alternative way to store output printed in R?


  • You can redefine the cat function itself, if that suffices.

    f <- file("/tmp/test.txt", open = "wt")
    cat <- function(...){
        base::cat(..., file=f)
    cat("Hello World\n")