I'm trying to intercept Revit and keep a window from opening. Specifically, I'm trying to apply a keynote to an object and then let the user create a keynote tag, however any way I do it it lets them place the keynote but then immediately gives them the dialog to select a keynote, but I don't want that dialog to come up because I already know what the selection should be. However every way I can think of isn't able to interrupt the process to apply the keynote before the user gets the dialog. Is it possible to perhaps monitor for the window to appear then close it via Windows API? or even better intercept when it's going to be shown and stop it from showing?
Ok well since there was a new comment I will make this an official answer. The best I came up with is that you can call OverrideResult() on the dialog even though you can't cancel it. It sill flashes the dialog which isn't ideal but it's better than it was... If anyone has a better way I'd love to hear it :)