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Xpages design elements, managed bean limits

Sorry not a coding question, not sure if I should be posting it here.

I struggle with the concept of what is 'large' in Notes nsf application design elements as opposed to the amount of data or records stored. For example it is stated that we shouldn't have too many views, but 'too many' does not give any scale whatsoever, is it 10,50,100,500 before it 'slows down'. I realise it also based on the view design but some idea of 'too many' would be beneficial. In this instance data and design elements are in the same nsf.

Is there a recommendation regarding number of elements such as XPages, Custom Controls, Managed Beans, Java Classes etc. What would be deemed excessive? In this instance I have data and logic in separate nsfs.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.



  • There is a limit on the number of design elements. But unless you're importing a whole JavaScript framework into an NSF, uou're not likely to hit it.

    As has been mentioned, view performance is dependent on many factors. 500 decently designed views are fine. 50 badly performing views can be bad. Lots of resorts on columns impacts the number of indexes that need to be created and managed. Using @Today or @Now in a view selection formula or column formula will be a big problem. Having lots of documents that rarely change, smaller numbers of documents that are updated every 30 seconds, lots of users regularly updating - these will all be impacts on performance.

    Performance in code will also impact and XPages Toolbox or agent profiling will give an idea. DocumentCollection.count() is slow, but sometimes is needed. NoteCollections may be quicker. There are various blog posts covering this.

    A managed bean that has a Map that grows and grows will impact Java memory.

    But there are always performance enhancements being made on the server side. gRPC in Domino 10 will be extremely performant. So always try to be on a recent version and keep up to date with sessions at conferences etc so you know what TCO improvements are being made.

    The bottom line is without an intimate understanding of your architecture and code, no one will be able to give you a definitive answer.