Right now I have this grey hover effect for the date cell and year cell in my jfoenix date-picker. I would like to add a pointer and a different color whenever I hover over the two. Below you may see an image depicting the two. Would anybody know the css solution to this? I couldn't find it in the documentation.
Documentation link: https://github.com/jfoenixadmin/JFoenix/blob/master/jfoenix/src/main/resources/css/controls/jfx-date-picker.css
All right. I did some digging myself and found the solution to my problem. So in case you do want to change the date cell and year cell in jfoenix date-picker. I would recommend the following. Please refer to the css code below:
.jfx-date-picker .date-picker-popup .calendar-grid .day-cell:hover,
.jfx-date-picker .data-picker-list-cell:hover {
-fx-background-color: pink;
-fx-cursor: hand;
This link was helpful: https://jar-download.com/explore-java-source-code-detail.php?file=./javaSource/com.jfoenix/jfoenix/8.0.4/com/jfoenix/skins/JFXDatePickerContent.java&key=04bcc9b9067d674a50ae3f04ba744fe6