Is it possible to create two files, for example Text.Debug.resx
and Text.Release.resx
, where the appropriate resource file is automatically loaded during debugging and releasing of the program?
I'd wrap the ResourceManager:
public class Resources
private readonly ResourceManager _resourceManager;
public Resources()
const string configuration = "Debug";
const string configuration = "Release";
_resourceManager = new ResourceManager($"StackOverflow.Text.{configuration}", typeof(Resources).Assembly);
public string GetString(string resourceKey)
return _resourceManager.GetString(resourceKey);
Obviously, amend the namespace appropriately when newing up the manager.
You could also implement it as a static class to avoid having to new up an instance of the wrapper:
public static class Resources
private static ResourceManager _resourceManager;
public static string GetString(string resourceKey)
if (_resourceManager != null)
return _resourceManager.GetString(resourceKey);
const string configuration = "Debug";
const string configuration = "Release";
_resourceManager = new ResourceManager($"StackOverflow.Text.{configuration}", typeof(Resources).Assembly);
return _resourceManager.GetString(resourceKey);