I have two parquet files one describe files with inode number, one describe the inode name and the parent inode, I need to reconstruct fullpath from the second file.
My table with inode's description is named idirs_table_read
and is formated like this (this is a full example):
I want with a inode number to be able to reconstruct a file path.
For example for inode 93767723, the path is : /base/level2/name/level4
I have define two functions (one recursive, the other procedural) those two functions works when used like this newPathRecursive(1236549)
but fails when use in withColumns
def newPathRecursive( inumber : Int ):String = {
var composite = ""
var result = idirs_table_read.select("iparent", "iname").filter($"ichild"===inumber)
if ( (result.count() == 1) && (result.first()(0) != inumber) ) {
var num= result.first()(0).asInstanceOf[Int]
composite= newPath(num) + "/" + result.first()(1).asInstanceOf[String]
return composite
def newPathProcedurale (inumber : Int ):String = {
var composite = ""
var go = true
var parentInode=inumber
var result = idirs_table_read.select("iparent", "iname").filter($"ichild"===parentInode)
if ( (result.count() == 1) && (result.first()(0) != inumber) ) {
println(result.first()(0)+","+ result.first()(1)+","+ parentInode)
parentInode = result.first()(0).asInstanceOf[Int]
composite= "/" + result.first()(1).asInstanceOf[String] + composite
return composite.asInstanceOf[String]
val buildpath2 = udf[String, Int](newPath2)
val buildpath = udf[String, Int](newPath)
My goal is to be able to replace the inode number in the other table by this path, but when I try to use the function in a select I get something like that:
df.withColumn("newcol",buildpath ( $"inumber" )
Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 0 in stage 1521.0 failed 4 times, most recent failure: Lost task 0.3 in stage 1521.0 (TID 14859, ip.ip.ip.ip, executor 1): org.apache.spark.SparkException: Failed to execute user defined function($anonfun$1: (int) => string)
Could you please help me with this code and eventually advise me better implementation of this algorithm and better use for it ?
My goal is simply to build a new parquet file from those two with complete path instead of inodes (which is not human readable)
As the post mention as duplicate is in fact a different duplicate as mine and I didn't understand the explanation because the real answer is in a comment not in the actual answe, here's the answer:
What I want to do is not possible if the dataset used inside the udf is not local:
So I'm going to use something else and I'll post the explanation.