I am using AWS Lambda
to resize images in node.js by using aws-sdk
Issue I face is that it read file successfully and also apply resize operations but not put object after resize.
Even not giving any error also. I check cloud watch where everything is alright but image not place in resize folder.
It only create key folders but image not there
return Promise.all(_croppedFiles.map(_cropFile => {
return S3.putObject({
Body: _cropFile.buffer,
Bucket: dstBucket,
ContentType: _cropFile.config.contentType,
Key: dstKey
There is actually no extension in the keyname, which makes it to be just a name and treated as a folder. provide your keyname as dstKey.jpeg or whatever extension you want , and set your content type to image/jpeg
No matter what's the format of your input image , the output image will always be stored in "jpeg" format