So I found a quite similar question, here on SO, but I am unable to get it fixed for my problem. I am building a map in Shiny leaflet. What I want, is when a certain variable has certain values (conditions), make a addAwesomeMarkers()
; else, make a addCircleMarkers()
. I've tried some if (else)
, case_when()
and mutate()
statement, but am unable to fix it. So... here's my code.
Dummy dataset:
NAME VAR WAIT latitude longitude
a 4 1 52,6263 4,7312
b 3 52,2946 4,9585
c 6 8 52,3331 6,6468
d 8 5 51,2864 4,0492
e 7 6 50,9832 5,8446
leafletOutput('myMap', width = '80%', height = 600)
output$myMap <- renderLeaflet({
getColor <- function(DATASET) {
sapply(DATASET$WAIT, function(WAIT) {
if(WAIT == 0 | | is.nan(WAIT)) {"gray"}
else if(WAIT <= 1){"darkgreen"}
else if(WAIT <= 2){"green"}
else if(WAIT <= 4){"lightgreen"}
else if(WAIT <= 6){"orange"}
else if(WAIT <= 8){"red"}
else {"darkred"}
icons <- awesomeIcons(
icon = 'heart-o',
lib = 'fa',
iconColor = "#FFFFFF",
markerColor = getColor(DATASET))
map <- leaflet(DATASET) %>%
addTiles() %>%
# DATASET$VAR is a char in my dataset
{if (DATASET$VAR == "4") filter(., addAwesomeMarkers(lng = ~longitude, lat = ~latitude, icon = icons,
label = ~as.character(DATASET$NAME),
popup = paste0("<strong>Name: </strong>", DATASET$NAME)))
else filter(., addCircleMarkers(lng = ~longitude, lat = ~latitude, radius = 10, label = ~as.character(DATASET$NAME),
popup = paste0("<strong>Name: </strong>", DATASET$NAME)))} %>%
So my if else ain't working; giving the following error:
no applicable method for 'filter_' applied to an object of class "c('leaflet', 'htmlwidget')"
I tried implementing a mutate()
. Thanks in advance for any help!
I've managed it (see result all the way at the bottom) by first defining two columns in my data prep script, stating whether to plot a square marker or a default marker ('IND_VAR') and whether to display a star inside the corresponding marker ('VAR_SHOWING_STAR'):
Dataset <- Dataset %>%
dplyr::group_by(NAME, VAR) %>%
dplyr::mutate(IND_VAR = ifelse(VAR == '4', 1, 0)) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::mutate(NICE_ICON = ifelse(VAR_SHOWING_STAR == "NOT", "", "Star"))
Second, I've defined colors in my app script:
Dataset <- Dataset %>%
mutate(COLOR_WAIT = case_when(
( | is.nan(WAIT)) ~"gray",
(WAIT >= 0 & WAIT <= 1) ~ "darkgreen",
(WAIT == 2) ~ "green",
(WAIT >= 3 & WAIT <= 4) ~ "lightgreen",
(WAIT >= 5 & WAIT <= 6) ~ "orange",
(WAIT >= 7 & WAIT <= 8) ~ "lightred",
(WAIT >= 9 & WAIT <= 10) ~ "red",
TRUE ~ "darkred"))
Third, I've defined icons (also in my app script), including an ifelse()
regarding 'IND_VAR':
icons <- makeAwesomeIcon(icon = Dataset$NICE_ICON, lib = 'fa',
squareMarker = ifelse(Dataset$IND_VAR == 1, TRUE, FALSE),
iconColor = "#FFFFFF", spin = TRUE,
markerColor = Dataset$COLOR_WAIT)
And lastly, I've implemented addAwesomeMarkers()
in renderLeaflet({})
addAwesomeMarkers(lng = ~longitude, lat = ~latitude, icon = icons,
label = ~as.character(Dataset$SOME_LABEL),
popup = paste0("<strong>Pop_up: </strong>", Dataset$SOME_POPUP) %>%