I want to get the health and other resource details of a particular Azure Account or Subscription using these API's https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses/listbysubscriptionid
When i do TryIt on the web page it works, but If i want to do it using say PostMan or programatically, how do i generate the Authorization key, I have seen docs to create Authorization Key using "App Registrations", but i dont have any WebApp here, All i want to do is get the details of a particular account or subscription using Azure provided API calls and using any AD user with proper roles for authentication. This link provides some details but then i dont have a clientid here, since i dont have any webapp https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/azure/dn645543.aspx
Please let me know if anyone has tried doing this. Thanks
You have to register an app in Azure AD. This does not need to be an actual "Web app". You are registering a service principal (you can think of it as a service account). After registering the app (with type Web App/API), generate a Key for it.
Write down the Application Id (Client Id) and the key (Client Secret). Then give the service principal access through the Access Control (IAM) section on the subscription/resource group/resource where you want to give the app access to.
You can then follow the instructions here to generate the access token: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/azure/dn645543.aspx.
Remember to use https://management.azure.com/
as the resource
since you are calling the ARM API.