I want to specify the default JSON body for a POST request in Swagger-PHP. My annotations look like this:
* Setup order
* @SWG\Post(
* path="/order/setup",
* operationId="setupOrder",
* tags={"Orders"},
* summary="Setup an order with status draft.",
* description="Setup an order with status draft",
* consumes={"application/json"},
* @SWG\Parameter(
* name="body",
* in="body",
* default="{}",
* description="Json order info body (customer and products info)",
* required=true,
* @SWG\Schema(type="string")
* ),
* @SWG\Response(
* response=200,
* description="successful operation"
* ),
* @SWG\Response(response=400, description="Bad request"),
* security={
* {"api_key_security_example": {}}
* }
* )
As you can see I'm trying to achieve the default value with default="{}",
but Swagger UI ignores this value and places 'string' instead as default value:
How can I change the 'string' part to a default JSON object?
You can achieve as you expected by modifying your @SWG\Parameter()
Example (look at example of the property):
* @SWG\Parameter(
* name="body",
* in="body",
* description="User email used to create account.",
* required=true,
* @SWG\Schema(@SWG\Property(property="email", type="string", example="email@example.com")),
* )