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How to use secondary endpoints to create API for Angular library


I created a custom UI library using ng-packagr, exported custom components and some model classes.


In main project, import statement works fine for exported components but it doesn't work for exported classes and webpack fails to compile giving error:

module not found error can't resolve my-custom-library/models

Library project code:

Model class: src/app/modules/my-custom-module/models/my-model.ts

export class MyModel {
  constructor() {
    // default values for props here

  // ...props here

Index file: src/app/modules/my-custom-module/models/index.ts

export * from './my-model';
export * from './my-other-model';

Export file at root: models.ts

export * from './src/app/modules/my-custom-module/models/index';

ng-packagr file at root: public_api.ts

export * from './models';

export * from './src/app/modules/my-custom-module/my-custom-module.module';
export * from './src/app/modules/my-custom-module/components/index';

Main project code:

import {MyCustomModule} from 'my-custom-library'; // works
import {MyModel} from 'my-custom-library'; // works
import {MyModel} from 'my-custom-library/models'; // does not works

Purpose: Simplifying and dividing the UI library API for end developers.

I believe, I'm missing something about mapping webpack module resolution because VS Code recognizes the import, intellisense works and even Ctrl + Click navigates to right file but webpack fails in compilation.

Git Issue


  • I was able to achieve my required API pattern using Seconday End Points.

    Credits: Alan Agius at Git Issue