I have a form that is four pages. The user clicks next and this leads them to the next page of the form. On the fourth page the form is complete.
What is the best practice? Do I do a POST after each page, so 4 different times, or should I do one big POST on the last and final page pushing all the user data to the database?
Each page posts to a different endpoint.
My form is created using redux-form and react.
Either works, the main advantages I see are:
Sending one complete form - advantages:
Sending 4 partial forms - advantages:
If you don't plan to implement the functionality of server-side storage, and if you don't need the extra analytic data of where they stop on the form - just go right ahead and send it all at once. I would suggest at a minimum, you try to save the form to Local Storage to make it easy for the user to pick up where they left off.