I have access only to a linux and darwin distributions of dynamically linked shared libraries.
Following is how I've integrated the library with Golang
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -L${SRCDIR}/build -lprocessing_lib
// #include "Processing-bridge.h"
// #include <stdlib.h>
import "C"
import "unsafe"
type ProcessorWrapper struct {
ptr unsafe.Pointer
func init() {
pr.ptr = C.NewProcessor()
func GetDefault() (id int, name string) {
var default = C.GetDefault(pr.ptr)
id = int(default.materialId)
name = C.GoString(default.name)
This works perfectly fine when I copy the matching library under the build/ folder.
I'm trying to make this as a go gettable library , where it could work on both linux and darwing architectures.
Problem I'm having is to tell go compiler to pick the right library for the matching GOOS and GOARCH.
I tried having a folder structure like below
And modified the LDFLAGS as below
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -L${SRCDIR}/build/${GOOS} -lprocessing_lib
However it doesn't recognise ${GOOS} and replace it with the correct value.
Is there a way to achieve this dynamic library pickup feature?
Found an easy way to achive this without creating multiple files by looking at the go source code it self cgo
// #cgo darwin LDFLAGS: -L${SRCDIR}/build/darwin -lprocessing_lib
// #cgo linux LDFLAGS: -L${SRCDIR}/build/linux -lprocessing_lib
we can also pass the Architecture if needed like below
// #cgo darwin,arm64 LDFLAGS: -L${SRCDIR}/build/darwin -lprocessing_lib