I have setup a Hyperlder Sawtooth Network
from the Sawtooth Docs
, you can find docker-compose.yaml
I used to setup the network here:
Transaction processor code:
const { TransactionHandler } = require('sawtooth-sdk/processor/handler');
const { InvalidTransaction } = require('sawtooth-sdk/processor/exceptions');
const { TextEncoder, TextDecoder } = require('text-encoding/lib/encoding');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const _hash = (x) => {
return crypto.createHash('sha512').update(x).digest('hex').toLowerCase();
const encoder = new TextEncoder('utf8');
const decoder = new TextDecoder('utf8');
const TP_FAMILY = 'grocery';
const TP_NAMESPACE = _hash(TP_FAMILY).substring(0, 6);
class GroceryHandler extends TransactionHandler {
constructor() {
super(TP_FAMILY, ['1.0.0'], [TP_NAMESPACE]);
this.timeout = 500;
apply(request, context) {
console.log('Transaction Processor Called!');
this._context = context;
this._request = request;
const actions = ['createOrder'];
try {
let payload = JSON.parse(decoder.decode(request.payload));
let action = payload.action
if(!action || !actions.includes(action)) {
throw new InvalidTransaction(`Upsupported action "${action}"!`);
try {
return this[action](payload.data);
} catch(e) {
} catch(e) {
throw new InvalidTransaction('Pass a valid json string.');
createOrder(payload) {
console.log('Creating order!');
let data = {
id: payload.id,
status: payload.status,
created_at: Math.floor((new Date()).getTime() / 1000)
return this._setEntry(this._makeAddress(payload.id), data);
_setEntry(address, payload) {
let dataBytes = encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(payload));
let entries = {
[address]: dataBytes
return this._context.setState(entries);
_makeAddress(id) {
return TP_NAMESPACE + _hash(id).substr(0,64);
const transactionProcessor = new TransactionProcessor('tcp://validator:4004');
transactionProcessor.addHandler(new GroceryHandler());
Client code:
const { createContext, CryptoFactory } = require('sawtooth-sdk/signing');
const { protobuf } = require('sawtooth-sdk');
const { TextEncoder } = require('text-encoding/lib/encoding');
const request = require('request');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const encoder = new TextEncoder('utf8');
const _hash = (x) => {
return crypto.createHash('sha512').update(x).digest('hex').toLowerCase();
const TP_FAMILY = 'grocery';
const TP_NAMESPACE = _hash(TP_FAMILY).substr(0, 6);
const context = createContext('secp256k1');
const privateKey = context.newRandomPrivateKey();
const signer = new CryptoFactory(context).newSigner(privateKey);
let payload = {
action: 'create_order',
data: {
id: '1'
const address = TP_NAMESPACE + _hash(payload.id).substr(0, 64);
const payloadBytes = encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(payload));
const transactionHeaderBytes = protobuf.TransactionHeader.encode({
familyName: TP_FAMILY,
familyVersion: '1.0.0',
inputs: [address],
outputs: [address],
signerPublicKey: signer.getPublicKey().asHex(),
batcherPublicKey: signer.getPublicKey().asHex(),
dependencies: [],
payloadSha512: _hash(payloadBytes)
const transactionHeaderSignature = signer.sign(transactionHeaderBytes);
const transaction = protobuf.Transaction.create({
header: transactionHeaderBytes,
headerSignature: transactionHeaderSignature,
payload: payloadBytes
const transactions = [transaction]
const batchHeaderBytes = protobuf.BatchHeader.encode({
signerPublicKey: signer.getPublicKey().asHex(),
transactionIds: transactions.map((txn) => txn.headerSignature),
const batchHeaderSignature = signer.sign(batchHeaderBytes)
const batch = protobuf.Batch.create({
header: batchHeaderBytes,
headerSignature: batchHeaderSignature,
transactions: transactions
const batchListBytes = protobuf.BatchList.encode({
batches: [batch]
url: 'http://localhost:8008/batches',
body: batchListBytes,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream' }
}, (err, response) => {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
Validator log: https://justpaste.it/74y5g
Transaction processor log: https://justpaste.it/5ayn6
> grocery-tp@1.0.0 start /processor
> node index.js tcp://validator:4004
Connected to tcp://validator:4004
Registration of [grocery 1.0.0] succeeded
Transaction Processor Called!
Creating order!
Transaction Processor Called!
Creating order!
Transaction Processor Called!
Creating order!
Transaction Processor Called!
Creating order!
Transaction Processor Called!
Creating order!
Transaction Processor Called!
Creating order!
Transaction Processor Called!
Creating order!
After the below entry in validator logs, I don't receive any transactions to the processor.
[2018-07-04 10:39:18.026 DEBUG block_validator] Block(c9636780f4babea6b8103665bc1fb19a59ce0ba66289494fc61972e97423a3273dd1d41e93ddf90c933809dab5350a0a83b282aaf25ebdcc6619735e25d8b337 (block_num:75, state:00704f66a517e79dc064e63586b12d677a3b60ce25363a4654fa819a59e4132c, previous_block_id:32b07cd79093aee0b7833b8924c8fef01fce798f3d58560c83c9891b2c05c02f2a4b894de43503fdcb0f129e9f365cfbdc415b798877393f7e75598195ad3c94)) rejected due to state root hash mismatch: 00704f66a517e79dc064e63586b12d677a3b60ce25363a4654fa819a59e4132c != e52737049078b9e0f149bb58fc4938473a5e889fa427536b0e862c4728df5004
When sawtooth processes a transaction it will send it to your TP more than once and then compare the hash between the multiple invocations to ensure the same result is returned. If, within the TP, you are generating a different address or variation of data stored at an address it will fail the transaction.
The famous saying in sawtooth is that the TP must be deterministic for each transaction, in other words it is similar to the rule in function programming: The same TP called with the same Transaction should produce the same result.
Things to watch for: