I am trying to load a flat file .csv
using fread
function in a stored procedure in R (in-database) Server.
Apparently, R Server (in the background) tries to copy this file to a working directory in C:\
, but this fails.
First, there is the issue that R cannot read \
, but Windows file paths require \
. I seem to have overcome this issue (I think), but am not sure.
Has anyone worked with loading flat files from a file path into the R Server engine?
Here is the code:
USE [master]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[usp_R_FileMap] Script Date: 7/9/2018 11:25:25 AM ******/
create PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_R_FileMap]
@FilePath nvarchar(255),
@FileName nvarchar(255),
@FileExtension nvarchar(10)
declare @RCode nvarchar(max)
set @FilePath = replace(@FilePath,'\','\\')
set @RCode = N'
##PREPARE ENVIRONMENT##########################################################
usrInputFilePath <- "' + @FilePath + N'"
usrInputFileName <- "' + @FileName + N'"
usrInputFileType <- "' + @FileExtension + N'"
sysPackages <- c("data.table"
##install / load packages as necessary
for (ii in 1:length(sysPackages)) {
if (paste0("package:",sysPackages[ii]) %in% search()==F) {library(sysPackages[ii],character.only=T)}##if (!paste0("package:",sysPackages[ii]) %in% search())
}##for (ii in length(sysPackages))
##determine full file paths
vcInputFile <- paste0(usrInputFilePath,ifelse(substring(usrInputFilePath,nchar(usrInputFilePath),nchar(usrInputFilePath))!="\\","\\",""),usrInputFileName,usrInputFileType)
# vcInputFile <- file.path(usrInputFilePath,paste0(ifelse(substring(usrInputFilePath,nchar(usrInputFilePath),nchar(usrInputFilePath))!="\\","\\",""),usrInputFileName,usrInputFileType))
##DETERMINE DELIMITER##########################################################
vcInputFileDelimiter <- gsub("(Detecting sep ... '')","",grep("Detecting sep",capture.output(fread(vcInputFile,nrows=1,stringsAsFactors=F,verbose=T)),value=T))
EXEC sp_execute_external_script
@language =N'R',
Beyond the \\
vs \
problem, if you're trying to read a file that's on a network share you're going to be blocked by a Windows firewall rule that was installed with SQL Server R Services.
If you really want to pull files off the network share from R Services you can disable this rule (Start -> Windows Firewall with Advanced Security -> Outbound Rules -> Block network access for R local user accounts in SQL Server instance MSSQLSERVER -> Right click -> Disable
Additionally, R processes run under a local computer account, something like MSSQLSERVER01, and these users would need permissions to access the file on the network share.